
» 4th LIME – KMOS Joint Meeting

日 時 2024年05月05日 / 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
場 所 Metropolitan Grill

4th LIME – KMOS Joint Meeting

1. Greetings
Dr. Reiko Arita and Dr. Hosik Hwang
Kukje company
2. First session/Hot topics on MGD

■Moderator: Dr. Shima Fukuoka and Dr. Jong Suk Song

Topic Speaker
Quantitative comparison of meibomian glands
measured by in vivo and ex vivo meibography
in BALB/c mice

Ho Sik Hwang

Effects of Blinking Exercises on Palpebral Fissure
Height and Tear Film Parameters

Reiko Arita

2. Special lectures/Hot topics on MGD

■Moderator: Dr. Reiko Arita and Dr. Hosik Hwang

Topic Speaker
To be announced

James Jester

To be announced

Jeongsub Kim

3. Coffee break
4. Sponsor session

■Moderator: Dr. Minako Kaido and Dr. Hong Kyun Kim

Topic Speaker
Comparing two mucin secreagogue for treatment of dry eye disease

Dr. Sunwoong Kim

5. Group photo
6. Self-introduction to LIME and KMOS members
7. Dinner

■ 会場詳細

会 場 Metropolitan Grill
地 図 820 2nd Ave, Seattle, WA 98104 アメリカ合衆国